If you are unhappy with the quality of your pictures and wanting to take better Instagram photos then you should definitely try these tricks! It can get a little frustrating trying to figure out why you’re not getting the quality that you want. And sometimes, editing them just doesn’t cut it! Here are some simple (and easy!) ways to help you take better Instagram photos, so that you can have pictures you are actually happy with and love!
1.) Lighting – I can not stress to you enough how important lighting is. You will find out really quickly that natural lighting will be your best friend. Artificial lighting can sometimes tint your pictures funny colors and take away from that higher quality look that you’ve been trying so hard to achieve. Try taking your photos in naturally brighter areas such as by a window. That way, your phone can pick up all of those beautiful details you’re trying to capture. However, try to avoid overexposure! Sometimes, your phone will pick up too much light and the excessive amounts of light will blur and reduce photo quality as well. To sum it up, avoid dark places, using flash and other artificial lighting, and do use as much natural lighting as you can without overexposing.
See the pictures above? Both are unedited. The first picture was taken where there was little lighting. Notice that it isn’t as clear as the second, and has a warmer tint to it. The second picture was taken where there is more natural lighting. Notice it is both clearer and brighter than the first photo.
2.) Focus – Make sure that your camera is focusing on your subject! I don’t mean centering your camera on whatever it is you’re taking a picture of. I mean making sure that your subject is clear, not blurred (out of focus!). On your phone, simply tap your screen in the area that you want it to focus. You will notice how much sharper your subject becomes. Easy enough, right?!
3.) Style Your photos –Â Instead of just taking a straight on view of lets say…your cute notebook..and just your cute notebook. Try getting some shots from above it! Put a pencil or your glasses beside it. Really spice your photo up by playing around with angles, props, and colors! Make sure that your props and colors flow well with your subject. You may have to do some arranging to get the feel that you are going for. Styling your pictures will really make your Instagram photos interesting!
4.) Background –Â Play around with different backgrounds! Your bed, a cool wall, your floor, table, desk, mix it up! It’s okay to use backgrounds that aren’t solid. Just make sure they aren’t so busy that they draw too much attention away from your subject!
5.) Take several shots –  Don’t make the mistake of taking one picture and putting your phone back in your pocket! You may look at it later and realize you’re unhappy with it, or missed a chance for a better shot altogether. Try one or two different angles. Make sure everything is in focus. Watch for that quality and lighting as you’re taking the picture. You’ll appreciate this later when you’re unhappy with the first snap and see that the next one turned out way better. Or that you prefer the second angle you tried over the first!
6.) Don’t over edit – You can totally tell when a picture has heavy filters on it and has been brightened ten times. If you want to keep the quality of your pictures, find ways (like using natural lighting!) to have to edit as little as possible and still get what you want. This takes practice, but once you figure out your way of doing things you’ll be a lot happier with the end results of your photos!
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Go Cuzzy!
Love ya Shelbs!!